Team Managers (Muskrat Minor Hockey)

PrintTeam Managers
Team Managers with Muskrat Minor Hockey are required to complete the following before they can be added to the official Team Roster:
Vulnerable Sector Check 

Respect in Sport for Activity Leaders
Gender Identity and Gender Expression, and a Guide to the Dressing Room Policy & Confidentiality Statement
(Available on-demand under Clinics in your Hockey Canada Registry account.  Takes approximately two hours to complete.)

Rowan's Law - Read and sign concussion protocol


At the beginning of each season, team managers and coaches are required to attend the annual UOVMHL Coach/Manager Meeting.  This year, the meeting will be held twice over Zoom, on Tuesday October 11th and Thursday October 13th, 2022 so you can choose which date to attend.  Meeting details with the agenda and Zoom link for each date can be found here:
2022 UOVMHL Coaches/Managers Meeting


Looking for "away" tournaments for your team to enter?  Try a tournament search engine:
Hockey Eastern Ontario Tournaments 
Ontario Minor Hockey Association Tournaments