Team Coaches & Trainers (Muskrat Minor Hockey)

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CONGRATULATIONS to the successful head coach applicants for our Muskrat Voyageurs 2024/2025 competitive teams!

U18 Tim Lynch
U13 Josh "Moose" DeGraaf
U11 Brett Coughlin

We thank all those who applied and participated in the interview process!

The Muskrat player tryout schedule for September will be posted on our news page, Facebook page, and linked here in August 2024.


The U15 Rep B program will fall under the Upper Ottawa Valley Aces umbrella for the 2024/2025 Season as part of the District 5 Rep B Pilot Project.  The pilot program has selected Justin Allard to coach the U15 team (2010-born), and Jamie Chartrand for the U14 team (2011-born).  If there are enough players for a second team at either or all three pilot age levels, we are told that a second coach will be named at that time.  U14 and U15 Muskrat players not making a team through the pilot program will attend Muskrat pre-season Sort-Outs in September and will then be assigned to a U15 House A or U15 House B team. 

As an additional opportunity for U16 competitive players this season (2009-born), they may try out for the Aces U16 Rep B team as part of this pilot.  Harvey Ogilvie has been named as head coach for the first team.  Muskrat players not making this team are then welcome to try out for the Muskrat Voyageurs U18 Rep B team or play on a Muskrat U18 house league team.  

The ACES will be posting their tryout schedule on this page:
Tryout and Conditioning Schedule (Upper Ottawa Valley Aces)

PLEASE NOTE that all those trying out must register online (not pay) with their home association first, so please follow directions on our Registration Page


Applications for U7, U9 Tier 3 and Tier 4, and House League U11-U21 Head Coaches, including the new U15 House A team, will open later this summer.  Link will be posted here at that time.


Thank you for your interest in becoming a Muskrat Minor Hockey Head Coach, Assistant Coach, or Trainer!

Hockey Eastern Ontario maintains an online form for volunteers to determine which courses and clinics they need to complete:

Visit HEO's website for drop down chart: Hockey Eastern Ontario Volunteer Qualifications by Position

The above required in-person courses will be scheduled throughout the summer and fall.

See link below for pre-requisites and to register:

HEO Course & Clinic Dates and Registration (From the drop-down menu, choose HEO and then Muskrat MHA)

In addition to the above courses for each level, ALL Bench Staff and Team Managers must complete the following:

Vulnerable Sector Check (O.P.P.)
Respect in Sport for Activity Leaders
Gender Identity online training 
(Available on-demand under Clinics in your Hockey Canada Registry account.  Takes approximately two hours to complete.)

Rowan's Law - Read and sign concussion protocol and waivers - These are found in your Spordle account to be signed each year.

HEO Concussion Return to Play Protocol

Hockey Canada - Downloads and Resources to Help Improve Hockey Coaches 
(includes practice plans, U7 support, and Drill Hub)

Hockey Canada - Additional downloads by age and by position

Tim Lynch, Development Coordinator/Coach Mentor:
[email protected]

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