MMHA Executive Seeking House League Convenor and Risk Management Coordinator, News (Muskrat Minor Hockey)

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Aug 25, 2024 | Amy Mackenzie | 438 views
MMHA Executive Seeking House League Convenor and Risk Management Coordinator
Two additional members are required to complete the MMHA volunteer executive for the coming season: a House League Convenor and a Risk Management Coordinator.  We were unable to fill these positions during elections at our AGM in May, so they will now be appointed positions by the current MMHA Executive.

Position Descriptions:

  • Supervises all team coaches and managers;
  • Responsible for any issues arising from the house league division;
  • Shall bring forth or assist in bringing forth concerns pertaining to their division;
  • Receive and distribute all communications relating to their division;
  • Shall be the Chairperson of any meeting of their division;
  • Participate on respective coach selection committee;
  • Ensure minutes are recorded of any meeting of their division and forwarded to the executive;
  • Provide paper game sheets to U9 teams; and
  • Respond to questions and concerns from coaches and managers.

  • Serve as Chairperson of the MMHA Discipline Committee;
  • Prior to a Discipline Committee, request executive members to attend the Committee meeting;
  • Act as the MMHA's Privacy Officer;
  • Be familiar with Policies and Procedures in the MMHA Constitution;
  • Act as an advisor to Convenors on Risk and Safety policy and procedures queries;
  • Provide Risk & Safety brief during the MMHA Managers Meeting;
  • Oversee concussion and injury safety as outlined by HEO;
  • Complete risk and safety reporting as required by the District and HEO;
  • Verify all required Vulnerable Sector Checks have been received; and
  • Maintain a registry of all the MMHA Vulnerable Sector Checks.

You will be heavily supported to learn your role by other members of the executive, as you learn where to find policies, processes, and considerations we need to make for all decisions.  

Interested?  Questions? 

Please reach out to any member of our executive to chat about the role.  To formally express interest in a position, please email our Secretary Chelsea at [email protected] and let her know which position you are interested in holding, and why, by September 8th, as we would like to formally approve any appointments at our September 10th MMHA meeting.  

Thank you for considering volunteering with Muskrat Minor Hockey!  
Delta Bingo & Gaming
Delta Bingo & Gaming, located in Pembroke at 1371 Pembroke St. West, has been our largest financial supporter for many years. In the 2023/2024 fiscal year, they donated $10,000 to Muskrat Minor Hockey Association, through the umbrella of Cobden Minor Sports - which are volunteers from Muskrat MHA and Upper Ottawa Valley Ringette Association. Our volunteers help out at Delta one Sunday a month. Thank you volunteers and Delta Bingo & Gaming!