MMHA Annual General Meeting to be held in Beachburg May 6, News (Muskrat Minor Hockey)

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Apr 05, 2024 | Amy Mackenzie | 2112 views
MMHA Annual General Meeting to be held in Beachburg May 6
This year our AGM will be held at Beachburg Public School on Monday May 6 at 6:30 pm in the school gym.

Interested parents/guardians of Muskrat players and community members are welcome to attend.  

The agenda will include:

* Reports from the MMHA Executive with highlights of this past season, including a financial report

* Motions to update several parts of the MMHA Constitution  - lines with suggested revisions are highlighted in the document below, and each revision to be motioned can be viewed by clicking on the box to the right.


* Election for positions - President (2-year term), Registrar (2-year term), Secretary (1-year term remaining), Risk Management Coordinator (2-year term), House League Convenor (2-year term).  There will also be a motion made to move the Rep Convenor position to odd-year election, so that Rep Convenor and House Convenor are not up for election at the same time, with potentially new volunteers in both.

The election portion of the meeting will be run by former MMHA Executive members Brent Gould and Katie Campbell.  

Questions?  Feel free to email Stefanie at [email protected] or Amy at [email protected]
Delta Bingo & Gaming
Delta Bingo & Gaming, located in Pembroke at 1371 Pembroke St. West, has been our largest financial supporter for many years. In the 2023/2024 fiscal year, they donated $10,000 to Muskrat Minor Hockey Association, through the umbrella of Cobden Minor Sports - which are volunteers from Muskrat MHA and Upper Ottawa Valley Ringette Association. Our volunteers help out at Delta one Sunday a month. Thank you volunteers and Delta Bingo & Gaming!