Muskrat Team Managers Meeting this Tuesday!, News (Muskrat Minor Hockey)

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Oct 15, 2023 | Amy Mackenzie | 1469 views
Muskrat Team Managers Meeting this Tuesday!
Just a reminder that our annual Team Managers meeting will take place this Tuesday, October 17th at 6:30 pm in the hall at the Cobden arena.  

We require each team manager from U9-U18.  If the manager is not available or one has not yet volunteered, please send another member of your bench staff, or if necessary, a reliable parent, with approval from your Convenor (Katie or Derrick).

We will be discussing your responsibilities and expectations, regulations for away tournaments, team finances, rescheduling games and game officials, hosting a home tournament (for House teams), your team jerseys, and more.  

We will try to wrap up the meeting by 8 p.m.

See you there!
MMHA Executive
Delta Bingo & Gaming
Delta Bingo & Gaming, located in Pembroke at 1371 Pembroke St. West, has been our largest financial supporter for many years. In the 2023/2024 fiscal year, they donated $10,000 to Muskrat Minor Hockey Association, through the umbrella of Cobden Minor Sports - which are volunteers from Muskrat MHA and Upper Ottawa Valley Ringette Association. Our volunteers help out at Delta one Sunday a month. Thank you volunteers and Delta Bingo & Gaming!