Thank you, Canadian Nuclear Laboratories!, News (Muskrat Minor Hockey)

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Feb 28, 2023 | Amy Mackenzie | 728 views
Thank you, Canadian Nuclear Laboratories!
CNL donates $8000 to Muskrat Minor Hockey for Half-Ice Boards through Staff Crowdfunding Campaign

Muskrat Minor Hockey Association is thrilled to share that we have received a generous donation of $8000 from Canadian Nuclear Laboratories, for the purchase of a Cross-Ice/Half-Ice Rink Divider System.  With the implementation of cross-ice programs for U7 and U9 players in recent years, local associations have been improvising with foam dividers that don’t always stay in place, until they have the funds to purchase proper boards.

CNL Employees were invited by their parent company, Canadian National Energy Alliance (CNEA) to nominate community causes and organizations that would benefit from financial support.  These nominations were then opened for staff investment through a crowdfunding effort, with $150,000 to disperse through many causes important to their staff team.  MMHA was recently notified that CNL staff have supported our full proposal of $8000 for proper half-ice boards for our hockey teams! 

Presenting the cheque from CNL on Monday evening in Cobden were Andy Tisler, VP, Central Technical Authority, accompanied by CNL employee and hockey parent Ben Samson.  Ben works as a Maintenance Planner in the Science & Technology Division at CNL and wrote the nomination on behalf MMHA where his son Bentley plays.  He then worked to get support from his coworkers to choose this project to fund.  Ben explained, “I felt it was a good cause because sports are a way to keep children active and social.  Board dividers are an expensive piece of equipment and will now be used by our community children for many years to come.”    

CNL very appropriately chose VP Andy Tisler to deliver the great news, as Andy is also a referee for games within the Upper Ottawa Valley Minor Hockey League.  Andy shared that he is from New Mexico and commented “I love visiting these old barns.  I was last here for a U15 game.  We don’t have many of these older arenas in the States.  There’s a lot of history here.” 

Accepting the donation with big smiles were our Under-7 Tier 2 teams, accompanied by our coaches and members of the MMHA Executive.  The new boards have now been ordered and will be in place for our growing U7 and U9 programs at the beginning of next season.  For families in Whitewater Region thinking about minor hockey for their child, they can watch for updates on the association Facebook page, and visit in early summer for registration dates.  

Delta Bingo & Gaming
Delta Bingo & Gaming, located in Pembroke at 1371 Pembroke St. West, has been our largest financial supporter for many years. In the 2023/2024 fiscal year, they donated $10,000 to Muskrat Minor Hockey Association, through the umbrella of Cobden Minor Sports - which are volunteers from Muskrat MHA and Upper Ottawa Valley Ringette Association. Our volunteers help out at Delta one Sunday a month. Thank you volunteers and Delta Bingo & Gaming!